Open Mic: Attempt Three

Sunday, 8:30pm, The Angel, for Bash The Banana, the thing that is what Ground Zero was – just about the only open mic comedy gig you’ll find this far West, without swimming. And like last time, which went really badly, and the time before, which went really well, I’ll be picking up the microphone and telling a couple of gags. It’d be great if you felt brave enough to come along and show some much-needed support, particularly after the disaster that was my last open mic session! So come along to Aber’s most… variable… comedy night. It’ll be a blast. Hope to see you there.

Note: There is a small chance that I’ve misread my calendar and Sunday night is not Bash The Banana at all, but is instead Gorilla Monsoon. It’s still comedy, and it’ll be less of a gamble on quality, but you won’t see me performing. Unlikely, but possible. Just thought I’d warn you.

UPDATE: Matt’s comment (while originally in the wrong place) below suggests that this Sunday is Gorilla Monsoon, not Bash The Banana. Amazing that he manages to stay so well-informed, despite the landlord at The Angel telling me otherwise. I’ll still be going, and you should too, but you’ll be hearing no jokes from me. Damnit, these people need to keep their website up-to-date.

1 comment

  1. Drat. Accidentally posted to your old post.

    It’s Gorilla Monsoon, but I’m sure that the talent is worth the visit.

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